
Tuesday, 24 March 2009

I am in a play in Guildford

If anybody who reads this blog lives in or near Guildford then you might be interested in this. I am in a play at the Electric Theatre in the town centre which starts its run tomorrow night Wednesday 25th and goes through to Saturday 28th starting at 7:45pm. I have 5 parts and so am trying to do 5 different accents!

It is called "After Mrs Rochester" and is an interesting and multi-layered play. It is a biographical piece about the life of the author Jean Rhys who wrote Wide Sargasso Sea the accepted prequel to Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre. There are excerpts from Jane Eyre counterposed with the scenes from her life. The group I am performing with are called Guildburys and are very good and well established. I did a lot of plays with them a few years ago and have just got back involved recently so I am really looking forward to this. The dress rehearsal is tonight!

The details for booking tickets are here.

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