
Sunday, 10 May 2009

"Gordon Brown resign" petition is still there

With all the other stuff going on at the moment about MP's expenses, it seems to have slipped off the media's agenda but the "Please Go" petition asking Gordon Brown to resign is still there on the Downing Street petitions website. At the time of writing, the numbers have just gone past 56,000 which is almost double the next largest one.

Brown is still an awful Prime Minister with no democratic legitimacy and if like me you think the time has come for him to go, please go and sign the petition.

There have been some suspicions that not all the signatures are being added and the rate of increase tapered off rather oddly, just as the media coverage was ramping up a week or so ago. I posted about it here last week. If you have problems relating to this, please contact Kalvis Jansons the petition's creator via this Google group.