
Sunday, 3 May 2009

"Gordon Brown resign" petition - Next Stop, All Time Top 10!

The "Gordon Brown resign" petition is now at around 46,000 signatures and is already No 1 of the active petitions. However if it can get more than 70,663 then it will enter the Top 10 of all the petitions they have ever had since the site was first created a few years ago under Tony Blair.

Hopefully that target can be achieved in the next few days.

Also, the petition creator now has a Google Group for discussion about the petition here: Brown "please go" petition HQ.


  1. At the moment, the "Gordon Brown resign" petition is 17th biggest of all time on the Number 10 petitions site, and rising!

  2. After visiting the site I did a browser refresh as I wanted to see the number go up. However, it went down!. They're probably deleting the obviously bogus entries like "Mr Brown Out" I thought. Though, it did cause me to lurk some more.

    12:37pm 46,515
    12:38pm 46,507
    12:43pm 46,494
    12:51pm 46,480

    In that time I didn't see many daft names either. But Damien Pooley, John Pearcey, William John Hutchinson, Rory Jackson and Danielle Murdoch who were the five latest entries at 12:37pm weren't listed in the top 500 at 12:38pm. No doubt there is a good reason.

  3. Update to previous comment.

    John Harvey who was the latest signature at 12:51pm is 339th in the list at 1:20pm yet the count has only gone up by 65.

    That's half an hour of my life wasted. I'm leaving before I start buying green ink.

  4. George,

    The five people that you mentioned as being in the top 500 at 12:37 but not at 12:38 are all in the list of names at 15:28, although not in the latest 500. If you click to show all signatories and then search for the names, they are all there in a block.

    It is strange though that they have moved up the page when the number of signatories had decreased at the time you were talking about and is currently 46,775 -- not enough to have pushed them up the page without either deletions or reordering of names.
