
Friday, 19 June 2009

Is this proof that Gordon Brown lied to the House of Commons?

Alex Singleton on the Telegraph Three Line Whip blog has a short piece today which reveals that a Downing Street staff member has said that Gordon Brown was briefed by Damian McBride just before going onto the Andrew Marr show on 31st May less than 3 weeks ago and well after he was sacked due to Smeargate.

Alex goes on to say that this contradicts Downing Street's assertions to Scotland on Sunday that McBride had not returned as a spin doctor.

However it's worse than that. I knew I recalled him denying this at PMQs and sure enough, according to Hansard from this week, during PMQs Gordon Brown denied having had informal briefings from McBride. Here is the excerpt:

Q7. Mr. Lee Scott (Ilford, North) (Con): Will the Prime Minister tell the House whether the Government have received any informal briefings from Damian McBride?

The Prime Minister: I have not.

No equivocation and as far as I can see, wiggle room. So, can anyone explain to me how this is not lying to the House of Commons?

UPDATE: Constantly Furious has also picked up on this and blogged on it now. It would be good if others could too and also tweet about it. He should not be allowed to get away with this.


  1. Yes. Those well-versed in New Labour speak will know that when Brown said, "I have not" this was a clear expression of his aspiration, not any recital of the facts as they may or may not be.

    I am surprised you have allowed yourself to be misled when hard working families up and down the country will have understood that what is important is that Brown gets on with the job, so giving that reply was the right thing to do.

  2. Bullseye! Good to see a lie actually uncovered for once.

    Have blogged on this too, and given you a hat-tip.

    This lie needs to be given the oxygen of publicity!

  3. An anonymous leaker says so, isn't proof. Let's hope there is proof on the way.

  4. A lie in the House of Commons has no repercussions unless our Bill maybe becomes law.

    check it out here:

    Read our Q & A session here too to get a better understanding of where we are coming from:

    I'll blog about this too.

  5. It's all in the word "informal". Brown had a briefing with McBride but it was "formal".

    Bastards'll get away w'it whatever.

  6. I have linked to this in an appeal for some wider coverage
