
Friday, 5 June 2009

Perhaps Charlotte's tenner is safe for now after all....

Further to my bets with Charlotte and Kalvis, I thought the events of last night and today would precipitate Gordon Brown's fall.

However at just after midday I am now not as confident as I was. The momentum that Purnell started last night seems to be petering out as the cabinet ministers who could force the issue (Miliband, and Johnson) row in behind Brown. If they flunk this chance, the will only have themselves to blame at the next general election as half of them lose their seats and they are all consigned to political oblivion.

That's not to say Brown is out of the woods by any means. The early local election results indications are shockingly bad for Labour and we still have the European results on Sunday.

We are still in a crirical period and there is still a lot that could happen in the next 72 hours.

For now though, I agree that Charlotte's tenner is indeed safe.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Brown's finished - there's no doubt about that. It's just that he's going to remain Prime Minister anyway!

    "Barnacle Brown will Never Stand Down"
