
Friday, 5 June 2009

Wikio rankings

My blog has jumped 80 places in the June Wikio rankings to supposedly be the 55th most influential political blog in the country (68th most across all blogs) according to them.

I was very pleasantly surprised when I saw the rankings last night. Mind you, looking at the methodology they use (weighting links from other blogs based on their own ranking) I suppose the number of links I got towards the end of May made a big jump for me inevitable.

Ms Gore has taken it upon herself to extract the Lib Dem blogs from the list and produced a top 10 Lib Dem blogs here. According to this I am in position 8. I am still trying to decide if I am going to use my newly acquired power for good or evil.

I am extremely grateful to everyone who has read this blog and to those who have got involved by leaving comments over the last few months. I am finding blogging is quite time consuming but very enjoyable and I hope to be able to keep going the way I have been doing of late. It is certainly an absolutely fascinating time in politics at the moment and I don't have any shortage of things to write about!


  1. Congratulations Mark - you certainly deserve it!

    BTW look out for the Berkshire rankings I'm compiling... you're even higher than #8!

  2. Thanks OP.

    I am intrigued and await your compilation! Are there a lot of Berkshire based bloggers then?

  3. So far I've only found 12 on wikio...
