
Friday, 24 July 2009

Leaving the demographic

Mark Pack's post here has reminded of something. I am going to be 35 next Thursday and this means that on a lot of measures I will shift into a new demographic. You often see groupings of 25 - 34 year olds. So I will be moving into 35 -44 year old territory!

What's it like up there?


  1. It has been a long time since I was down there! :)

  2. The view is lovely from up here!

  3. Cardinal Richelieu's mole24 July 2009 at 19:54

    Remember, all the bad things that are done to people are mostly done by those under 35!

    Happy birthday too! :-)

  4. Wrinkles are no longer laughter lines, the beer belly is no longer in training but fully fledged, you start watching Just for Men adverts and wondering just what it is like to dye your hair. It is the begining of the end!
    On the plus side, you will no longer be grouped with the sprogs so your new maturity should result in lower insurance rates!
