
Saturday, 19 September 2009

First impressions of my first Lib Dem Conference #LDConf

Featured on Liberal Democrat Voice

Well I arrived in Bournemouth for the conference first thing this morning and so far have really enjoyed it. This is just a quick post - will blog more fully later.

This is my first #LDConf because although I signed up last year for the weekend I was ill and couldn't come.

I had a course first thing on interview techniques. I thought it was best to get a bit of advice in this area as I do have a tendency to not smile very much which was picked up on. The chap said I looked very angry with him! Anyway, it was worthwhile and I learnt some useful stuff.

Unfortunately my first Fringe event was not on! I don't think they knew I was coming so I am not too offended. I think they just put the wrong day in the programme.

I spent much of the afternoon in the main hall where the debate was on the Real Women motion and it was interesting to see how it all works with the speeches, interventions and then the votes. I think I was accidentally given a "voting" pass but I didn't use it! They were pretty brutal about cutting the mikes off from the interveners if they went over their one minute!

I am looking forward to the rally later today and then the LDV fringe event later.

Right, off to grab a quick bite...

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