
Monday, 5 October 2009

Interview with Danny Kushlick of Transform Drug Policy Foundation

Regular readers of this blog will be familiar with my views regarding drug policy in this country.

At the Lib Dem conference a couple of weeks ago I attended a fringe meeting on this subject sponsored by Transform Drug Policy Foundation who campaign to reform drug law. Their speaker was founder and head of policy Danny Kushlick, a passionate and extremely knowledgeable campaigner on the issue. I took the opportunity after the meeting to grab a quick interview with him to talk about TDPF and its objectives.

The interview lasts about nine minutes:

PS: For some unknown reason I have noticed that I introduced Danny's organisation incorrectly. It is definitely Transform Drug Policy Foundation!

PPS: Apologies for the shimmeriness in the background on the video. Hopefully it's not too distracting and it is the audio that is the important part anyway!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mark, I watched this interview and thought you might also like the blog for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, as we write about drug policy reform a lot:
