
Friday, 22 January 2010

Darrell Goodliffe and Constantly Furious on House of Comments Podcast - Episode 11

The latest "House of Comments" podcast with myself and Stuart Sharpe of the Sharpe's Opinion political blog is now live. The website for the podcasts is here (cast your eyes in awe at the shiny new layout!) and the tenth episode which we recorded on Wednesday 20th Jan is available to download via this page here (raw mp3 file here if you prefer). You can subscribe to the podcast via iTunes here. Or you can listen to it right now here:

The format is to invite one or two other political bloggers each week and discuss a few of the stories that are making waves in the blogosphere.

This week we were joined by Darrell Goodliffe, the former Lib Dem and now Labour blogger who blogs at "Moments of Clarity" and Constantly Furious who always seems to be slightly piqued about something.

We discussed Darrell's reasons for jumping ship, the arrest and questioning of Paul Chambers for an ill-advised comment about bombing on Twitter and asked whether the authorities overreacted, Constantly Furious' liver, clearing snow in the context of the nanny state and the takeover of Cadbury's by Kraft. And we resisted the temptation to make a load of chocolate bar based puns even though it might have BOOSTed our ratings. Maybe it's because we're too FLAKEy.

If you are a political blogger and would like to participate in the future, please drop me an e-mail (address in the sidebar near the top of this blog).

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