
Thursday, 4 March 2010

Other Reckonings - 4th March 2010

Early OR tonight due to the #bbcqt live chat later.
  • Mark Wadsworth thinks he knows what is going to happen house prices next based on the post 1989 trends.
  • Anna Coote from the NEF writing on Left Foot Forward suggests we need a 21 hour working week. Hey, I could use the extra free time for blogging...
  • Hopi Sen reveals how close he is to being selected to fight a seat for Labour.
  • Michael Chappell writing on AULD thinks the fact that the NHS blood donation service has a blanket ban on accepting blood from homosexual men is idiotic.
  • Stephen Glenn has some further ripostes to Iain Dale's post about Lib Dem BME candidates that I blogged about earlier today.
  • It's a momentous day for Mathew Hulbert as he receives his membership card for his new political home having just switched from the Greens. Welcome home Mathew!

And as an extra Thursday bonus, Stuart Sharpe has drawn my attention to this amazing music video by OK Go:

1 comment:

  1. Ta for link. I have no idea whether it will be the same this time this time round (although I suspect it will be worse).
