
Friday, 4 June 2010

Are you posh? Try the test...

According to the test in The Daily Mail today I am!

Have a guess which 3 I said yes to to qualify.


  1. @JayceKay - Wrong on all 3 counts! At least that narrows down the field to 9 ;)

  2. One of those is right Bernard.

  3. Oh dear. I scored seven. Where do I apply to join he Conservative party?

  4. It's a snob test. Anyone who drives 4x4's round Towns & Cities are snobs. If you spend money on Barbours etc., you've more money than sense. Far better & cheaper waterproof makes out there. £5 pair of wellies do just as well as any "designer" makes. Am I "Posh"? No. Well bred yes...There's a difference.. ;}

  5. Waitrose, Earl Grey and hummus? Those were my answers. I think I might know what prosecco is too: isn't it a apertif or something?

  6. Just 11 for me.

    I'm going to say 2, 7, 13 for Mark.

  7. 5, 7, 12 for you. I'll give myself three and a half out of thirteen seeing as I don't drink actual tea.

    I can't help thinking that everyone at the Mail involved with this scored highly and were having a good laugh at those who wouldn't meet their criteria.

    Maybe it's part of some evil right wing plot, next week there'll be a number to call for those who scored less than three and then they'll be collecting details for a secret Daily Mail Brownshirt recruitment campaign.

    p.s. Did you guess that I don't like the Mail much?

  8. I am not going to guess mate but did you ever wonder why your nickname at school was 'Toffee'...?

  9. Duncan S is bang on the money! He wins a Waitrose carton of houmous left in the fridge by my cleaner ;)

    Daniel - I reckon you might also score 3 on here. I bet you own a Hackett or Barbour jacket for a start!

  10. Wooooo!

    I don't want your garlicky mulch though. Give it to the homeless. Let them eat houmous!

  11. Here's a tip - if you're reading the Daily Mail, you're not posh.
