
Tuesday, 1 January 2013

How did I do on my 2012 predictions?

Quick review of what I reckoned was going to happen last year:

1. HMV will go bust.

  • WRONG. Should have chosen Comet!

2. A currently living former Chancellor of the Exchequer will no longer be with us by the end of the year.

  • WRONG. They're all still alive and (as far as I know) in good health.

3. Barack Obama will win reelection with an even higher percentage of the vote than in 2008.

  • CORRECT (sort of). OK, so it wasn't with a higher percentage than in 2008 but I'm giving myself half a point for this.

4. Chris Huhne will leave the cabinet.


5. David Laws will rejoin the cabinet.

  • CORRECT (sort of). Technically he is not in the cabinet although he does have the right to "attend cabinet". But he is right back in the heart of the Lib Dem governmental operation so I'm giving myself half a point for this.

6. Kate from off of Teh Roayls will announce she is pregnant. The media will go loopy at the prospect.

  • CORRECT. On both counts. She is pregnant and the media did indeed go loopy at the prospect. Although nobody could have predicted the tragic consequences for one of the ways in which a certain part of the media decided to cover her hospitalisation.

7. Mo Farah will win Gold at the Olympics.

  • CORRECT! In fact he won two Golds!

8. Pointless will be promoted to prime time TV (i.e. after 7pm) with increased prizes to match.

  • WRONG. Although it is going strong and rapidly becoming a stalwart of the schedules with regular celebrity specials on early Saturday evenings.

9. By the end of the year Yvette Cooper will be leader of the Labour Party.

  • Couldn't really have been more WRONG. Ed Miliband had a wobble in 2011 but he is back firmly in control of his party now and I expect he will lead them into the next general election.

10. In a shock move I predict that Eddie Mair will become the new host of BBC Question Time. For the fourth year running.

  • WRONG. Although he has certainly shown his mettle on the occasions he has stood in on Newsnight especially during their tribulations of recent weeks.

So 3 spot ons,  2 sort ofs and 5 wrongs. About par for the course judging by previous years!

This coming year's predictions will follow soon...

1 comment:

  1. You were only wrong about HMV by 15 days, so no need to punish yourself too much.
