Dear <**LEAVE_VOTER**>
So here we are. I voted Remain, you voted Leave. You won. It was narrow but clear. 52% to 48%.
I fear that a lot of what the Remain campaign said would happen will now come to pass. I hope I am wrong but I think it is very likely that there will be various negative short and long term consequences of the vote we've just had.
Members of Leave have already started to back-track on the pledges made during the campaign. Nigel Farage for example has said that the pledge emblazoned on the side of the Leave battle bus was "a mistake" and that there will not be £350 million extra per week for the NHS. Daniel Hannan said on Newsnight last night that migration will not be curbed to any significant degree.
I don't know if you voted Leave for either of those reasons but if you did I think you'd be justified in feeling pretty annoyed today.
But it is very difficult to hold the Leave campaign to account. They were made up of politicians of different parties and now the campaign is over they have scattered to the wind.
Except that some of the leading lights in that campaign are likely to be part of the next government of the (currently United) Kingdom. Michael Gove for example is quite likely to be a senior cabinet minister. And Boris Johnson (who is most readily identified with that battle bus with the £350 million emblazoned on the side) is odds on to be our next Prime Minister.
I suspect that if (when) Boris becomes Prime Minister he will feel duty bound to call a snap general election in order to give himself the mandate to move forward with his negotiation plans with the EU.
When this happens I urge you to think very carefully about what has just happened. How quickly the Leave campaign has backed away from its promises.
If you are suffering from "buyer's remorse" right now. If you are one of the growing band of Regrexiteers who feel they've been sold a pup don't think there isn't anything you can do about it.
We have a representative democracy in this country and the chances are good that you will be able to send another message via the ballot box quite soon.
Please do not waste this chance. You need to speak to the politicians who will be in a position to do something about it in a language they understand.
All the best
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