Thoughts on politics and life from a liberal perspective

Political commentary and debate that is intelligent, incisive and best of all interesting - Jo Swinson MP

Saturday, 11 July 2009

A week in the Lib Dem blogosphere: 4th - 10th July 2009

I thought I would try a new way of doing link round-ups so I have been keeping track of what I think are some of the best blog posts from the Lib Dem blogosphere this week and every Saturday I am going to post links to them with a brief description of what I liked about them. There's no science or numbers behind this, it's just what I reckon. I will try and do at least one for each day Here goes:

Saturday 4th July

Jennie Rigg had some rather forthright opinions about whether Nick Clegg should have been writing for LabourList. She thinks not. (I won't link to the LL article in case Jennie explodes in Wikio related indignation!)

Sunday 5th July

Costigan had a very well argued piece asking whether the future can truly be free.

Mark Pack shared an excellent piece he originally wrote for a compilation of counter-factuals asking "What if the 1832 Great Reform Act had never happened.

Monday 6th July

Caron asked how a government department was able to trace Lisa Greenwood's anonymously posted critical comment on "They Work for You" in order to be able to then sack her.

Cicero posted a beautifully written piece about how the small nation of Estonia comes together once every five years to sing in huge numbers.

Tuesday 7th July

Charlotte Gore asked "Who'd be an immigrant" given the ridiculous test they make you take. There are lots of comments from people who have taken the test with varying degrees of success. I must admit my responses to her post were rather flippant (one was a quote from Moe Syzlack about "immigants" which shows the level) but that's probably just because I also failed the test. Do I have to leave Blighty right away or can I pack first?

Bridget Fox wondered at the Sky News Panel's priorities for her feedback to them.

Wednesday 8th July

James Graham wrote a very well considered post in defence of "parliamentary graffiti" or Early Day Motions as they are more commonly known. I partly used this as inspiration for a guest post I did on the "Scrap Early Day Motions" website also in defence of EDMs.

There was an interesting post by Angela Harbutt on Liberal Vision where she describes how a teacher was sacked for apparent inappropriate behaviour relating to pupils but there is a twist...

Thursday 9th July

Mr Pack was back asking why the blog search facility in Google is hidden away. I had wondered this myself. Perhaps Mark with his friends in high places can find out for us? It would certainly help with blog traffic if it was more prevalent!

Friday 10th July

Cobden asked why so many Lib Dems have to be such killjoys when it comes to things like enjoying a drink. I haven't met many Lib Dems like this I have to say! He used Sarah Teather's comments on BBC Question Time as his reference point for this.

My statistically learned friend Andy Hinton had a very thought provoking piece about telephone fundraising which he has personal experience of doing himself. He suggested we shouldn't shoot the messenger but that also the organisations wouldn't do it if it wasn't on balance worth it for them.

A bonus section this week for a trilogy of great posts on Lib Dem Voice which combined tell us the 30 things that any aspiring politician should do this summer (part 1, part 2 and part 3). The one about doing without internet access for a week looks the most scary to me....

1 comment:

Jennie Rigg said...

Meant to say earlier: thanks for not making me go FOOM!