Thoughts on politics and life from a liberal perspective

Political commentary and debate that is intelligent, incisive and best of all interesting - Jo Swinson MP

Monday, 21 September 2009

I am on BBC Radio 5 Live today from 10:00am from #LDConf

A quick reminder that I am on Victoria Derbyshire's show on BBC Radio 5 Live today to be part of a panel at the Lib Dem Conference. I think the format is that they will keep coming back to us asking us questions every now and then during the programme. I am scheduled to be there from 10:00am until about 11:30am.

Please do tune in if you get the chance or you can listen to it on the iPlayer after it has been broadcast.

UPDATE 1: It turned out that apart from the MPs/PPCs the other invitees were closer to the front but just joined in the debate with the rest of the audience. I managed to get in around 10:30 just before the news. It was an interesting experience that I might blog about in more detail later. I was very impressed with Victoria Derbyshire's ability to handle about 18 things at once!

UPDATE 2: It is now up on the iPlayer here. I am on from 29 minutes in for about 2 minutes.


Matt Wardman said...

For the record, you are at 29.00.

Matt Wardman said...

I have a feeling I am going to grow to hate ersatz and easy puns on "Reckons".

Mark Thompson said...

The day of "Reckoning" for puns like that will be upon us soon I reckon.