Thoughts on politics and life from a liberal perspective

When Mark Reckons, - I want to know what he reckons! - Lynne Featherstone MP

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Interesting "Bloggers' Circle" posts

I am part of a project called "Bloggers' Circle" which encourages bloggers to link to interesting content from other bloggers.

I have spotted a couple of thought provoking posts on the circle in the last couple of days which I thought deserved a wider airing:

LDV's very own Mark Pack has a piece on comment moderation policies and potential new developments in this area.

Charles Crawford thinks that the iPhone could be used as a model for social transformation!


Joe Otten said...

iPhone as Conservative vision. Looks nice but is controlled by a mega corporation.

Even windows mobile is a more open platform than this. Never mind Android.

Kalvis Jansons said...

That would a great article from Mark Pack.

Are the comments here moderated, and if so what are your rules for doing it?